Sunday, March 05, 2006

The return to BC...

Well, I find myself back here in rainy BC. After two airport transfers and a 10 minute ride from Comox to Campbell River where the pilots outnumbered the passengers (I was the only one on the plane), I finally made it back alive. But let me tell you, never again will I willingly transfer that many times. But at least I didn't have to go through security more than once. Note to self, don't wear shoes with eyelets that set off metal detectors again. They make you take your shoes off right in the airport! It's incredibly annoying!

So the Ice festival went excellent, if I do day so myself. I must say that the second day I was becoming more comfortable on the ice. Is it weird to be 50 feet up a slab of ice, hanging on only by a couple picks out the front of your feet, and actually not be terrified of dying? 'Cause I was at that point. And it was frickin' cool! It almost makes me want to hunt down some frozen ice here so I can hone what little skills I have. And also to further develop my rippling biceps. Next year, I predict some futher winnae by the Damgaard clan. 'Cause we have to go back next year. It's expected. Plus, I'm sure the COE would be lost without us. And Cool Bananas would miss us too, I'm sure.

Bananas is a fun word. Lots of a's. Just like Damgaard. Maybe that's why Jana likes it so much. Same nuber of a's as our last name. Weird. Anyways, until my next inspiration hits, at which point you will be able to read more of my insane rants.

Five alive fruit juice and Chaka Khan, my friends...

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