Friday, February 03, 2006

Showers are great.

I love showers. I really do. They make you clean, they make you feel better. I'm glad I am able to have a shower every day. Especially when I'm cold from my jog, I can jump in the shower and get warm. Getting out of the shower is often difficult. It's cold outside my little ceramic tile/plastic shower curtain cocoon. You get to wash your hair in the shower, too. Which often brings fun smells like the lavender shampoo and conditioner I have right now. It stinks pretty, as my grandpa would say.

Showers are even better after a few days of hiking with no showers. Then you feel really clean. Putz and Slacker can relate to this quite well. Showers are also the time that many of the women-folk like to shave. So you get prettier in the shower, too. That is, if your idea of pretty includes hairless armpits. I learned something new today. The medical term for armpit is axilla. I thought it was just an armpit. But it's not. It's also an axilla. Now you've learned something too. Unless you already knew that. In which case, man you have too much time on your hands, you freak.

That's all for today. Until next time.

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