Well, we've somehow come to another free WiFi void, so you'll be reading this the day or more after the actual writing, since I've decided I'm too cheap to pay for internet tonight.
This morning we set out to explore the Isle of Sky. There's really not a lot of touristy places on it, just a lot of amazing scenery. The whole day basically made me wish I'd brought my hiking books and waterproof gear and had several days to just wander aimlessly. We went to quite a few picturesque places, but they all had Gaelic names so I really can't remember any of them anymore. Well, I really couldn't have repeated any of them 2 seconds after he said them, 'cause the Gaelic language is, well, not at all phonetic. Anyways, we saw a lot of really cool places, one of which was apparently where the movies Highlander and Stardust were filmed. Very cool. And very pretty. I felt the wanderlust there, just needed more time and my hiking boots. Next time. For I will definitely be back.
Oh, our first stop was this random river, where we all got out of the bus and Russell told us this story about it. I'll try to re-tell it, but I can't guarantee accuracy. If you want the more accurate story, take a tour to the Isle of Skye with Haggis Adventures. Okay, so there were 2 clans on the island that were constantly fighting each other. The chiefs of these clans finally decided that this was ridiculous, and figured if they started intermarrying with each other the fighting would stop. So one chief offers up his daughter and the other offers up his son. The daughter, who was apparently wicked beautiful, heads for the church on her wedding day on a donkey, followed by her servant boy and a little dog. On the way to the church she falls off the donkey and smacks her head on a rock (sounds like a Sara thing to do), slicing her face open and breaking her jaw. But the boy convinces her to keep going, get to the church and go on with the wedding. So she drops the veil over her bloody face and gets to the church. The groom then decides that, since he's never seen this woman before, he'd like a gander before he goes through with it. He lifts her veil and sees her, gets enraged and races out of the church, stabbing a bunch of people (including the boy, the donkey and the dog) in the process. The girl then heads away from the church and ends up at this river where she meets the Fairy King (whose name I can't remember). He tells her the river has magical properties and if she dips her head in the water for 7 seconds she'll have eternal beauty, or something to that effect. She figures she's got nothing to lose, so she goes for it. When her head comes back out, voila, all is returned to it's former beauty! So the donkey, boy and dog all follow her, and all their wounds are healed as well. So now, before you cross over the bridge, you have to stop and dip your face in the water for 7 seconds so you too can have eternal beauty. I was convinced right there, but then Russell said that if you cross over the bridge without dipping your face in the river you'll be cursed with 7 years bad sex. And no one's gonna risk that, so we all looked like whack jobs leaning over and dipping our faces into the river for 7 seconds. It might feel silly, but would you risk 7 years bad sex for 7 seconds of dignity? I think not.
Next we stopped at a little town where they brew Isle of Skye beer. And we had some, because though you aren't allowed to drink on the street there, you are allowed to drink on the bus. So we drank on the bus as we headed off the island. We made quite a few picture stops after that, but not really anything of too much note. This evening we're settled down in Oban, where we all headed to a chelidah (that may be spelled completely wrong, but it's pronounced kay-lee). It's basically a party with music and lots of dancing. This one was more of a show with audience participation, but it was still fun. There was plenty of hand-clapping and foot-stomping. And I even managed to get up and dance with one of the other girls from the tour for the last audience-participation song. I believe it was called stripping the willow, but I could be wrong about that. It was wicked fun! It starts with spinning your partner at a ridiculous speed, then spinning the next person in line, then back to your partner, then one more down the line and so on. So much fun! I just wished they would've kept the song going a little longer.
Tomorrow's the last day of the tour, so I know we end up in Edinburgh, but I've no idea how we're getting there or what we're doing along the way. As Russell, our current guide would say, how exciting! So until next time!
Well, as it turns out, yesterday brought us to yet another free WiFi void, so here I am updating yet again without being able to post. And this time I've no idea how long it's gonna take 'cause we're on our own again, with no more tours to go on. Well, there's one, but it's just a day tour, so we'll be in the same hostel the day before and after. We've only got two hostels left, actually, and then it's back home for another wedding for me. But we'll get there, don't worry.
Let's start with the obvious. I don't want to leave Scotland. It's fantastic here. The accents are, shall we say, very pleasing, I love the weather (though I could understand how most wouldn't with all the rain and cold), there's lots to see, and we had a wonderful tour over the past 5 days. We really did have a fantastic group of people on our Haggis Tour, and I have to hand it to Russell the driver for picking what was (in my humble opinion) some pretty fantastic music. Couldn't quite figure out some of the band names, though. There was a good one I plan on downloading when I get home called Frightened Rabbit. Where did they come up with that? I've no idea, but as long as the music's good, I guess the actual name of the band is rather inconsequential.
So yesterday...we did a lot of picture stops. The only real thing we did of note was see the William Wallace monument in Stirling. It was big and grand. We didn't go inside, though, since it was rather expensive and probably not much more than a museum with info boards inside. So we saved ourselves the 6 pounds or so and just walked up to take pictures of the outside and enjoy the view. The picture stops were good, but like I said before, all the names are in Gaelic, so I forgot most of them three seconds after he said them. That's if I actually understood them in the first place. But names aren't really that important as long as you're enjoying yourself, I've decided. So, many a picture stop and the William Wallace were done yesterday.
Oh, and we stopped at a really, really cool place for lunch. I believe it was called Drover's Inn. It's in a national park so it's a little quieter, which was nice, but you almost have to see this place to believe it. It's old. Like, several hundred years old. And they haven't done any renovations or redecorated since. Apparently it's where Rob Roy MacGregor used to go as his local pub. Animal lovers beware, though, 'cause for you it might just be a house of death. There are stuffed animals (whole or in parts) everywhere. Right inside the door there's a reasonably-sized fully stuffed black bear. Naturally there was a delightfully dorky picture taken of me with said stuffed bear. And this, my friends, is where I finally tried haggis for the first time. Oh, yes, that delightful concoction that apparently has meats such as liver, spleen, gall bladder, and any other disgusting or disturbing meat you can think of, all ground up with spices and oatmeal. And you know what? It was good! I was a little leery, knowing what liver and gall bladder actually do biologically, but you only live once, so I had to try it. It was really spicy and very filling, and they'd plopped it on top of mashed potatoes and smothered it in gravy. Yum yum! So as long as you can get past what it's made of, haggis is actually really good.
We got back to Edinburgh around 5:30 pm, so we managed to do our laundry in the hostel before we met everyone from the tour for a pint or two on the Royal Mile just to say goodbye. Hopefully that's the last laundry we'll have to do before the end of the trip, but the best laid plans often go awry, right? Normally I wouldn't have been so keen on going out with people I'd just been stuck with for a week, but like I said, we had a really good group and I genuinely liked the people on our bus, so I actually wanted to go. And I'm very glad we did. I found a delicious beer called MacEwan's Lager, which I know they probably don't sell in Canada but wish they did. The company was fantastic and when the live music started it was actually stuff we all knew so we could sing along in obnoxiously loud voices. There was also this really crazy guy who's name I think was Ewan, who was pretty much in a kilt whenever we saw him. He's got this crazy long hair, and April decided she needed to have a picture with him, so she asked. Then, completely out of nowhere, he literally picks her up off the floor damsel-in-distress style and holds her while I take a picture. It was totally random and completely awesome. It really was the perfect sendoff from Scotland, which has basically become our favorite place on this crazy whirlwind trip so far.
So while I've got the time, being on a train for 2 ½ hours at the moment, I'll try and come up with everyone's favorite little Sara-style tidbits of my impressions of Scotland. And again, the disclaimer, these are really just my own personal impressions and should no way influence how you feel. Everyone sees the world differently, and you might have a completely different experience should you ever decide to visit this fantastic country.
Kilts. Oh. My. God. I love a man in a kilt. I don't quite know why. There's just something rather drool-worthy about it. April was quick to point out that my love for the kilt basically means I like men in skirts, but you know, I think I'm okay with that. It doesn't even matter what the guy looks like. Old guys, young guys, throw and kilt on them and picture me with a bit of drool coming out the side of my mouth. I am personally of the opinion that my husband would look fantastic in a kilt, but I refrained from buying him one because I'm pretty sure he'd never wear it in public. And if he did he'd get stared at in Canada. Tragic, but true. Our tour guide wore a kilt the last day, and one rather amusing thing April and I noticed was how he had to sit down when getting into the driver's seat. You see, the stick shift was in the way. We've all seen women gather their skirts to sit down or get around something, but it was a little funny seeing a guy do it. I still love the kilts, though.
The Scenery. The scenery in the highlands reminded me a lot of home. But that's a good thing, because I really, really liked it. I've said before that I wish I'd had my hiking boots and several days just to wander and that's still true. I'll be back to Scotland someday for that. It might take another 40 years (that road in Bolivia's still calling my name, so that's first on the list) but I'll be back. And I'll have my boots and plenty of time.
The Weather. I thought the weather was fantastic, but in case you missed it earlier, I love the rain. I love the rain and the misery and the low cloud cover and the damp and all of it. I just love it. So Scotland was good for me, weather-wise. I imagine (and was told many times) that it gets really cold in winter, and I believe it, but the summer weather was just right. We were very fortunate, though, since we had a few days of no rain and almost sunny skies. Though the sun just really didn't seem right at the time. But I was happy when it was raining.
The Sheep and the Hairy Coos. Sheep are everywhere here, like they were in Ireland. They're just so cute you want to go out in a field and squish a few 'cause they look so fluffy. But this is coming from a former Albertan who's used to seeing nothing but cattle out in the pastures, so I guess sheep should look cute and fluffy to me. They also have Highland cattle in Scotland. But they're more commonly knows as Hairy Coos. They're pretty much just regular cows with longer hair and horns. But they're cool-lookin', so I figured they were worth a mention.
The accent. Oh yes, the accent. April and I have decided that the Scottish accent is by far our favorite, and also the most sexy we've heard thus far. I can't put my finger on why, it just is. Maybe it's something to do with the way the word sexy actually comes out. I don't know. Though the Scottish do have very dark senses of humor and they can get pretty raunchy, so that definitely helps their case. I'm sure not everyone feels this way about it, but it's just my personal opinion that the Scottish accent is the sexiest I've heard to date. You can quote me on that, if you like.
So now we're on a train Liverpool bound. We're staying there for a night and then it's back to London for a few more days.
Well, as it turned out, Liverpool was yet another free WiFi void, and I 'm starting to wonder if this is actually going to get posted before I 'm back in Canada. Though maybe we'll search out a pub with free WiFi when we get to London. Anyways, we got to Liverpool and actually managed to find the hostel relatively quickly and without getting lost at all, which may be a first for this trip. We just might be getting the hang of this navigating thing. We ditched our bags in luggage storage and then promptly went exploring. Liverpool, I read, was supposedly a cultural Mecca, but I don't really understand why. They have the usual museums, which are all free, but other than those and the Beatles Story, there's really not a lot there.
We went to the Beatles Story first, which is basically the whole reason I really wanted to go to Liverpool. It was interesting to find out where they started and how they ended up so famous. It was quite interesting and had a lot of information I didn't know before. I also managed to get a little Beatles swag whilst we were there, so I'm happy. Next we checked out the Maritime museum and the customs and immigration displays they had there. Interesting stuff, though we may have been a little too tired for just reading info boards that day. The customs displays were the best part, actually. It showed all the strange and innovative ways people have tried to smuggle drugs and the things that have been confiscated by customs over the years. Someone even tried to use a shipment of innocent garden gnomes to smuggle weed. A travesty, I tell you! Poor innocent gnomes.
There is also a monstrously huge pedestrian shopping area in Liverpool. It covers several square blocks and has every store imaginable. And this, my friends, is where we saw our very first Lambanana. Yes, you read that right, Lambanana. My brother was in Liverpool last year for work and he told us all about them. They're just statues all over the place that different people have been given to paint different colors. It's the body of a lamb, but with a banana basically coming out it's butt instead of a tail. They're almost cute, once you get past the weirdness of it. The one we saw was in a Liverpool FC store, and was decorated all in white and red. I may have been a little too excited about my first Lambanana sighting. We were going to try and find the original Super Lambanana (yes, that's actually what it's called), but then we found out they move it around the city every now and again, and we didn't really feel like wandering around for hours trying to find it. But I went to Liverpool and saw a lambanana. My life may now be complete.
The hostel that night was, in a word, fantastic. Originally we were supposed to be in a room with a bunch of other girls, but when we got into the room they had their stuff all over and on the beds April and I were supposed to be in. So we asked to be moved to another room (which was nice because the girls in that room appeared to have converted it to a pigsty rather quickly). We ended up on the ground floor in the handicapped room. And it was lovely. We had real individual beds! No bunk beds, and you don't realize how much you miss individual beds until you have to sleep on bunk beds for 3 weeks. It's a treat not to have either someone sleeping directly over you or having to climb a ladder to get to your bed. And the room was good and spacious. Not only that, breakfast was included in the price, and it was a fabulous breakfast indeed. Sausages, toast, orange juice, eggs, hash browns, cereal and yogurt. Mmm mmm good.
We're now on the train back to London, where we'll be spending another 4 days before heading home. There are still a few things to see there, and we have much shopping to do, so I'll leave it at that.
We're back in London now and it's all coming back to me. The concrete jungle. The crowded streets. The cigarette smoke. The exhaust fumes. And the lovely men on motorcycles. I do love a man on a motorcycle. Especially when he's all decked out in full motorcycle kit...oh, back to the topic at hand, then. We're staying just off Oxford Street this time, which is cool for the shopping but bad for the pocketbook. Yesterday we wandered around and bought a few things, and I promptly decided I don't, nor will I ever, understand fashion. It's quite bizarre and completely not functional anymore. So I give up. T-shirts and jeans it shall be for Sara from now on. Well, sweaters too, since I get cold really easy. We also wandered down to Picadilly Circus, which is apparently just another shopping area that happens to have a few neon signs. Way overrated. But we went and we saw.
This morning we embarked on a single day bus tour of Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor Castle. Stonehenge was fantastic! We got there just as they were opening it up, so there were so few people we felt like we had it to ourselves. You can't go right up to the stones anymore, but they've put the ropes close enough that it's not really a big deal that you can't touch them. I liked it because it still really has that air of mystery. We can do all the research we want on it, analyze it to death, bring it back to life and analyze it again, and we'll still have no idea what it was really used for. It's an amazing place because of that, and you can almost feel the mystery in the air. It's palpable, and it's awesome.
Next we went to Bath, where the attractions are the Roman Baths. They're the only natural hot springs in England, and when the Romans showed up they built a bath house around them, and the waters have been thought to have magical properties ever since. People ever since have been coming from all over to test the healing properties. They aren't used anymore, since the water is, well, completely disgusting, but they're still flowing out all piping hot. There's also an info center and excavations all about how they were used in Roman times. Pretty cool. And for 50 pence you can drink a glass of the water (purified for safety, of course). A lot of people were saying it was disgusting, but how often am I gonna be in Bath? So I plopped down my 50p and my leprosy is miraculously cured! Well, maybe not. It was pretty much the same as drinking a glass of warm water from my Dad's tap, which is well water and tastes a little off. How about that, Dad? You could sell your tap water as a miracle cure! We also did a little wandering around Bath before the bus picked us up again.
Last but not least was Windsor Castle. The queen was not in residence that day, so we got to tour the royal apartments. Very swank, if you don't mind your wall decorations being centuries old and looking rather musty. Lots of guilt gold, too. The chandeliers were the beast part, really. Beautiful and sparkly...very sparkly. It was also fun playing spot the hidden doorways. We found at least 5. The castle itself is huge, and there was a lot we weren't allowed to go into. Actually, while April and I were looking into the rose garden that surrounds the castle and getting closer and closer to one of the barricades, there was one guard who looked like he was about to tackle us to the ground if we took another step. We stopped to save ourselves the embarrassment. While we were there we also saw St. George's Chapel, which is huge and very ornate. But it's royalty, so did you expect any less than the best? Again, it's a church in England, so we weren't allowed to take pictures inside. Just trust me when I say it was very fancy. I could've spent several hours lying on the floor just staring at the ceilings. Though that might've gotten me tackled as well.
Well, I'll end it there. We have plans to head for the pub with free WiFi for a pint, so hopefully this gets posted tonight.
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