Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pay attention when you're driving, dammit!

So the riny season has finally arrived here in beautiful BC. Thus, when I got up this morning I put on my bright yellow, water resistant, butt flap jacket to go out for my morning jog. Well, water resistant, my ass, but that's another complaint for another day.

I was happily jogging along, not really enjoying the squishing my toes were making in my shoes. I was nearly finished, when, as I was crossing the street, some lady damn mear ran me over in her car! To be fair to her, there were a group of kids crossing the street in the other direction, but once I waited for them to get out of the way ('cause God forbid they should stop and wait for me, despite the fact that I'm going far faster than them), I started crossing. Well, she stomps on the accelerator and I nearly run into the side of her car. Then she has the nerve to give ME a dirty look when I wave her to keep going. After all, I would've had to run around her car since it's now sitting in the center of the intersection.

But seriously now, how did she not see me? You guys have all probably seen the bright yellow butt-flap jacket. It's bright yellow! And it's a cloudy day! How do you miss that running towards you? But apparently she did, and just decided she was going to keep going on her merry way, and ignore the fact that pedestrians actually have the right of way in Canada. They do, really. It's a law.

But this is not the first time this has occurred here in Campbell River. Drivers here have an irritating habit of ignoring everything around them when they pull up to an intersection. Oh, that jogger in the white T-shirt? I didn't see her, despite the fact she's been standing there since I pulled up to the light and cut her off as she was trying to cross the street. Biker? What biker? Oh, you mean the one I just about ran off the road? Didn't see her, but I do remember seeing a blinking red taillight on something going down the side of the road.

Seriously, one of these days I'm just gonna lose it and throw myself on front of one of these idiots. That's right, I know you don't know I'm there 'cause I saw you not look both ways as you were approaching the intersection. So watch out, 'cause next time I'm gonna fling myself in front of your fancy BMW, put a nice big dent in the hood and then sue you for that half-million dollar house you own. And all because they'll give any idiot with two arms and a right leg a driver's license here. No wonder insurance prices are so bloody high...


Jana said...

Amen! That's why I live in Alberta!!!

Charlene said...

Nice rant Sara, good to see you updated your blog. Now when I click it to see if it's updated I will have a different title to greet me. Cheers, Slacker.